For the past 35 years I have been actively
involved in the roofing and waterproofing business, 22 of those years self employed.Today my company has grown to employ as
many as 25 people at a time. I have some of the best equipment offered in the construction industry today to get the job done
right the first time. I take pride in every project my company does, big or small. The past 15 years I have expanded my expertise
to not only roofing and waterproofing but also windows, doors, decks, siding, gutters, masonry work, additions, and more.
The advantage of having a seasoned roofer/waterproofer install your windows, doors and siding can be great. I am always thinking
of water infiltration and how to prevent it. When Fred Falcone Roofing from Pembroke does
your worK I will guarantee no leaks where we have installed new products. We are a family owned
and operated company